Stay Connected with the MESA Engineering Program Family

Taylor Gotfrid 2017
Major: Computer Engineering BS
Major: Cognitive Science BS
Minor: Electrical Engineering

Aviv Elor 2019
Major: Robotics Engineering BS
Minor: Electrical Engineering

Dominic Schenone 2017
Major: Bioengineering BS
Minor: Bioinformatics
Minor: Electrical Engineering
As former classmates, we extend an invitation to you to help facilitate networking efforts amongst current MESA engineering program students and alumni in a variety of ways. We also hope that you may encounter opportunities to advocate for MESA engineering program students and/or help enhance our program’s goals. Keep us in mind when you hear about part-time or summer internships and research opportunities that our students may be eligible for, and when you find opportunities for donations of equipment resources or funding for scholarships—with MESA engineering program students as the beneficiaries. If you have any questions on how to support or make a gift to MESA engineering program, the School of Engineering’s Development Office.
Email Connections
Share your current e-mail address for inclusion in our alumni e-mail list. This will allow the MESA engineering program staff to share information with you regarding alumni events and activities. These events and activities allow alumni to give back to the next generation of MESA students through shared experience.
Alumni Webpage
Send us a short biography and/or photo for posting on the alumni web page. Share your success stories, memories, and enlighten MESA engineering program students about the environment they’ll soon be entering, whether it be in industry, business or private sector, or graduate school.
Consider accepting invitations to participate in future events hosted at UCSC (career panels, informal alumni gatherings, National Engineers Week activities); and/or invite MESA engineering program students to participate in activities at your site (industry tours, Shadow Days, graduate studies research, etc.).
If you are already connected on Linkedin, please join our MESA engineering program group