Computer Engineering
Don’t overwork yourself! You’ve still got 4-5 years to go, so take it one step at a time! Take breaks, hang out with friends, don’t take on too much at once!

Is there a faculty or staff person who made a difference for you?
Tracy Larrabee is one of my all-time favorite professors. She not only is one of the funniest and most intuitive professors, but also she’s the reason I got my job at Learning Support Services that I’ve had for 2 years! I owe her so much praise. She’s overall been a huge motivator for me and there’s not a day that goes by that where I’m not thankful for what she’s done for me.
We know that this journey has been long. Please tell us about anyone you’d like to thank.
I would like to thank my family for always believing me as well as my friends for supporting me and keeping me sane throughout my 4 years of college (and even before then)!
Getting to graduation isn’t easy. Are there any resources on campus that helped you make it this far? How so?
MESA Engineering Program definitely connected me with some friends that ended up spreading into my D&D friend group that I know and love today, so I definitely have them to thank for helping me form a support network at college right from the get go!
College has its ups and downs. Would you share with us a favorite moment?
One of my favorite moments definitely has to be suiting up on Halloween and roaming around campus giving out candy to random students. It was so much fun and I loved seeing people’s reactions when they saw I was reverse trick-or-treating on campus!