Baskin Engineering Excellence Scholars
The Baskin Engineering Excellence Scholars (BEES) program prepares students for the academic rigors of the University by giving them the tools and resources necessary to achieve academic excellence, not only in their first year, but into their remaining undergraduate career.

BEES begins with an early move-in program in September, and continues with active membership in the MESA Engineering Program and the Academic Excellence Program (ACE) during the academic year. You will have access to a student success mentor who can support you with the programming and math components of your classes.
You will also meet with your Educational Opportunity Programs (EOP) STEM Counselor, Leydi Cortes.

In collaboration with the Academic Excellence Program (ACE) and the Educational Opportunity Programs (EOP), we are able to provide you with this comprehensive first-year experience program to help you flourish as an engineering student.

Scholar testimonies
What I learned about working in a team is that communication is key and that if everyone has a common goal then that will be the driving force to get the project done.
—Magana Arturo
The highlights of this program would be all the bonding and team-building experience we got. We were able to meet and become friends with new people very quickly by going through the activities that were included in Engineering Academy.
—Tony Ma
Working in a student group along with a team member was very beneficial towards being able to ask questions and not being alone when dealing with a problem.
—Christian Maravillo