Explore undergraduate research, scholarship and internship opportunities at UCSC.
Each student’s path to a STEM degree is unique. Getting hands-on experience through internships or research can enhance your coursework learning and prepare you for graduate school and the workforce.
Talk to the MESA Engineering Program staff and peer mentors about your goals and learn about opportunities to get involved.

Undergraduate research opportunities
As a Baskin Engineering undergraduate student, you have many avenues to engage in hands-on research. We’re here to support you to explore your interests, define your goals, and discover your options.
Research Mentoring Internship program
The Office of Diversity at the Genomics Institute offers the Research Mentoring Internship program (RMI) for undergraduate students interested in pursuing research projects in areas relevant to genomics. The RMI offers underrepresented students academic and professional advising, hands-on research training, and scholarships for qualified undergraduates who are interested in genomics.

Summer STEM Diversity Programs
Students involved with Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC), Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD), UC Leadership Excellence through Advanced Degrees (LEADS) or California Alliance for Minority Programs (CAMP) are invited to attend an eight-week Summer Research Institute (SRI) or Summer Research Experience (SRE) program. Gain valuable lab experience, get introduced to theoretical and practical aspects of lab research and become eligible to begin on-campus lab work the following fall.
Pathways to Science
The Pathways to Science project supports students to find their paths in STEM — with a focus on connecting underrepresented students with STEM programs, funding, mentoring and resources. Find summer research opportunities, scholarships, graduate fellowships, postdoctoral positions, and more.

Engineering Scholarships
UCSC offers various scholarships to support your academic goals:
- Ming Ong Scholarship
- Engineering Scholarships
- Explore Engineering Scholarships
- Scholarships for Engineering Majors
- FastWeb Engineering Scholarships
- Best Value Schools Engineering Scholarships
- Electrical Engineering Scholarships
- Computer Engineering Scholarships
- Computer Science Scholarships
- Computer Networking Scholarships
- Project Management Scholarships
Note: the links provided on this page have not been thoroughly reviewed by Baskin Engineering staff and may contain out of date or limited information. Email jwood3@ucsc.edu to set up a time to discuss your scholarship search.