Come visit a peer mentor in the MESA Engineering Program office. We offer free one-on-one and group tutoring services to get your academics on track.
Tutoring Assistance
The MESA Engineering Program hires peer tutors to assist students in certain courses. MESA usually provides tutoring for BE upper division major courses such as EE101 and CMPE100. MESA also refers students to campus support such as ACE and Learning Support Services (LSS), which includes small group tutoring and modified supplemental instruction.
Students are encouraged to take full advantage of the TA office hours, the course tutor (if there is one) and LSS prior to seeking MESA Engineering Program tutorial assistance.
To request a tutor, see a MESA peer mentor in the MESA office.
The deadline to request tutoring every quarter is the Add/Drop/Swap deadline.
Become a Tutor
MESA Engineering Program members who are in good academic standing and who have earned a grade of B or higher in specific courses are encouraged to become tutors. Please email the Academic Counselor Jennifer Wood for more information.
Baskin Engineering Undergraduate Advising
Location: Baskin 225
Phone: (831) 459-5840
Email: bsoeadvising@ucsc.edu
Academic Excellence Program (ACE)
ACE is an academic support program dedicated to increasing the diversity of UCSC students who are earning bachelors’ degrees in STEM. ACE represents a community of scholars who strive for and commit to academic excellence.
Learning Support Services (LSS)
Tutoring is available to all UCSC students through the Learning Support Services at the Academic Resources Center (ARCenter). Students can register for subject tutors in certain courses through an online tutor sign-up system on the LSS web page.
The Modified Supplemental Instruction (MSI) program at the ARCenter gives students the opportunity to learn together in small groups led by advanced Student Learning Assistants.