Network and Digital Technology
If you fail, it is OKAY. Failures are the obstacles you deal with in life. If you fail a class but you tried your best, that is all that matters.

Getting to graduation isn’t easy. Are there any resources on campus that helped you make it this far? How so?
The resources on campus that I believe helped me succeed at UCSC have been EOP, MESA Engineering Program, and SHPE. I have been involved with EOP since I was in high school and if it weren’t for them, I would not have applied or known how to apply to college. They helped me transition from high school to the university. They have been helpful in answering all of my first-gen questions. MESA Engineering Program has assisted me in my academic career here at UCSC by providing me with the resources I need to do well. I utilized academic counseling throughout the years and I have been able to find textbooks for my courses (to save myself some money). They have provided me with the best academic advise during the times I wasn’t sure if I would succeed. I have been in SHPE for a little over 3 years. They have helped me develop social and networking skills I needed to communicate with others. They have also helped me jumpstart my career search and have helped me write a good resume.
College has its ups and downs. Would you share with us a favorite moment?
My favorite moment is the day I realized that I had satisfied my requirements and I would finally be graduating. After several downs at UCSC, it was the best feeling knowing that I was still able to succeed.
Any advice for students starting in Fall 2022?
If you fail, it is OKAY. Failures are the obstacles you deal with in life. If you fail a class but you tried your best, that is all that matters. You learn a lot about yourself and what your’e doing when you fail. You get to make the next choice after this and that is to either try again and not let the failing defy your educational growth or you can choose to change your career path to do something you feel great at doing (there are also other choices you can make).