Electrical Engineering
Make yourself present and don’t disappear. Go to office hours, talk to mentors, and ask questions no matter how dumb they may seem. It’s impossible to fail when you try and apply yourself and your professors and TA’s will notice.

Is there a faculty or staff person who made a difference for you?
Professor Nobby, Jen and Wassila George were crucial and I couldn’t have graduated without them. I owe a lot to professor Nobby for allowing me the opportunity to work with his lab group and write a thesis on their research. Jen and Wassila have been extremely valuable in pointing me to resources and keeping me focused on outlining strong goals and committing to achieving them.
Getting to graduation isn’t easy. Are there any resources on campus that helped you make it this far? How so?
MESA Engineering Program has been the most valuable organization and resource for me. The connections that I’ve made, although not many, have elevated me and helped me get to where I needed to be and I couldn’t have gotten to where I am without them.