Computer Engineering
Getting to hike behind C9/10, its was a great way to destress.

Is there a faculty or staff person who made a difference for you?
Jennifer Wood is one of the main reasons I am still an engineer, you encouragement means the world. Danay is also one of the best people!
We know that this journey has been long. Please tell us about anyone you’d like to thank.
I’d like to thank the people I met for helping me out and making me become a fuller person as I studied in UCSC.
Getting to graduation isn’t easy. Are there any resources on campus that helped you make it this far? How so?
Having people to study with and getting into chatrooms with peers to study over the questions that maybe you couldn’t comprehend. Social interactions are always a great way to study.
Any advice for students starting in Fall 2022?
Get used to the campus and try to walk a lot. Always a great way to exercise without it impeding your schedule.