Computer Science BS
I believe the shared experiences and emotions in MESA connect us all, feeling that connection at times made up my favorite moments.

We would like to celebrate seniors who made an impact. Please tell us about a graduating senior who you feel is worthy of special note, and why.
Fernando Alcazar. Although I did not talk much with Fernando, his energy and enthusiasm around MESA made studying in the center a uplifting experience.
Is there a faculty or staff person who made a difference for you? Please name them and briefly tell us why. You can name multiple people.
Jen Wood and Imelda Meza. Their mentorship, support, and leadership inspired me as both a mentor and a student to pursue greatness. Without them, my ability to never give up and keep on smiling would have been impacted heavily.
We know that this journey has been long. Please tell us about anyone you’d like to thank.
I would like to thank my Mom and Sister, the two people who always believed in me the most. A big thanks to my mentors Michael Garcia and Harikrishna Kuttivelil who offered me guidance and advice during my academic journey. A special thanks to my mentor at Microsoft, Bryan Coard, who made a huge impact in my life by teaching me how to grow independently and showing me how to become a successful Software Engineer.
Getting to graduation isn’t easy. Are there any resources on campus that helped you make it this far? How so?
My two biggest resources were MESA and EOP. MESA provided a community and a second home to me which made a huge difference in my college experience. EOP provided resources during times in which I felt I had nowhere to go.
College has its ups and downs. Would you share with us a favorite moment?
I was in the MESA room one day next to a student/friend of mine. They sighed deeply and I asked what was wrong. They said they were tired of the exhausting nights from schoolwork, and asked how it is that I continue on. I responded with one question, “Well, for whom or what did you come here for in the first place?” No other words were said, and we both continued with our work. I believe the shared experiences and emotions in MESA connect us all, feeling that connection at times made up my favorite moments.
Any advice for students starting in Fall 2024?
Life is scary. Things are hard. School will be exhausting. There is only one thing you can do, never stop giving it your all.