Computer Engineering
Focus more on learning the material than your grade, or taking the class with an “easy A” professor.

Is there a faculty or staff person who made a difference for you?
– Jen: Self explanatory! Jen has helped with personal and school issues, and is just a great person that lends an ear during hard times. Amazing and funny person who has shown so much support for everyone at MEP who needs it.
– Professor Scott Beamer: First professor I worked directly with as I tutored for CSE 100. He is a really supportive teacher who has helped me in some academic hurdles I have faced during my time at UC Santa Cruz.
– Aviv Elor (I think he’s staff since he’s lecturing for mech this quarter): Helped me get into research and overall great mentor for me at UC Santa Cruz
We know that this journey has been long. Please tell us about anyone you’d like to thank.
My friends and mentors at MEP that have helped me pick out classes with the right professors, land internships, a full-time job after college on top of fun study sessions in MEP. My friends, family, and boyfriend for supporting and believing in me throughout my college experience
Getting to graduation isn’t easy. Are there any resources on campus that helped you make it this far? How so?
MEP: Helped get me a lot of opportunities in college that range from jobs and research opportunities on campus, as well as internships and jobs in industry. Also helped a lot with mental support in college, and other academic resources and connections. If there is an amenity in MEP that exists, I probably have used it at some point in my college career.
College has its ups and downs. Would you share with us a favorite moment?
One of my favorite moments was when I got my final check off in mechatronics. At this point my team and I were hoping to get lucky and it felt euphoric to have accomplished this huge and intimidating project. The professor treats all the students out for drinks after the competition and a beer never tasted better in that moment when we finally cheers the end of a truly one of a kind experience!
Any advice for students starting in Fall 2022?
– Use all the resources you can (MEP, ACE, etc.)! Even if you don’t think you need it, it’s a great way to have a structured studying style + midterm and final reviews and practice tests that aren’t usually accessible.
– Focus more on learning the material than your grade, or taking the class with an “easy A” professor. The rest of your classes will be much more difficult if you don’t have a strong foundation to build all of that knowledge on, and you wouldn’t be doing yourself a favor by taking shortcuts.
– Make friends, try new things, get out of your comfort zone even if you really don’t want to and regret nothing.